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About Dogs' Skin

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What To Look Out For

September 21, 2023
My Dog Rolled in Fox Poo - What Should I Do?
If you're a dog owner, chances are you've faced the dreaded scenario: your beloved four-legged frien...

July 26, 2023
Will giving my dog a bath kill fleas?
Fleas are an itchy subject that can affect most pet households at one point or another, and when the...

April 14, 2023
How to get rid of 'THAT' wet dog smell...
As a dog owner, there's nothing quite like the feeling of coming home after a long walk in the rain ...

December 05, 2022
How to introduce your puppy to baths
The world for a puppy is super exciting and chock full of new experiences! As new puppy owners, it’s...